Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Behind the times here..

I never posted that. It's just a basecoat but I'm tickled to be the first one to have painted one of my own horses for once.

Thinking back on it I may have been the first one to post of some of my painted horses but I know with every sculpture I've done that previously people were faster than me at getting their's painted up.

ANYhow, so YAY! (it's already changed and getting more detailed now that I've taken the time to apply some oil paint. I took her along to a show this past Sat where I was judging.. couldn't have her in wet oils then so it was just roughly airbrushed acrylics with a hasty sealer (shiny and rough - yuck!).

Friday, April 4, 2008

Woohoo first Hazel casting is here! :D

I just cannot say how absolutely thrilled I am about the seamlines of this casting. I have never had a resin where I didn't feel a little sad that a seam crossed over some details in such a way as to loose some detail. It's hard to explain but essentially no casting is ever as "perfect" as the original - and sometimes they tend to lop off some crisp edge somewhere. This time however I was just absolutely thrilled - which is saying a lot as you labor over the details and try your darndest, and then feel a little pang when you see that seam cutting through. No pangs today - woohoo!

And hopefully I can get up to Spencer for a Region 10 show tomorrow and share! There's a couple folks up there who will hopefully be in attendance who's horses are probably done by now but will be shipped early next week. It'll be fun to show them what they've bought in person. :)

I couldn't resist throwing a Bosco next to Hazel to show her true size. For a heavier sporthorse mare she is surprisingly small imo - I keep expecting her to look so massive and tower next to other horses but she doesn't.

Anyhow, excited musing on a project that's officially complete! Yay!! :D

(ps, I owe great thanks to Janice for letting me take her horse around like this before giving it to her - thank you m'dear!) :D

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bosco "Bitty-ization" begun

I have been modifying one of the only wire free Bosco resins I have for this project. I've spent the last month "shopping" around for the highest resolution scanning and printing companies. I'm pretty excited.

The actual processes of "shrinking" take only about 12hrs for lazer scanning and 12 for printing (or less). Once I get the mini version (it's a very hard resin) back, then I get to spend some intensive time/labor recreating details that the 3D printing machine just can't make.

Here's an example of one I've done this for before: http://www.artbymorgen.com/dinky_ordering.asp

And here is my prototype "mock up".

I plan to make minor changes to the tail, mane and head position as well as have the virtual file flipped so that, at a glance in photos, people will be able to tell if it's the big or little version.

One of the reasons to change the mane and tail is to make it easier to cast in that small scale. The real 1:9 scale Bosco's hair was a bear for the caster and preppers.

One of the reasons I want to alter the head position ever so slightly is in consideration of the fact that otherwise, the little fellow's head will be harder to see/fall into shadow more in 1:32 scale (probably more like 1:28). If you are going to put a ton of detail into faces and eyes on such a small object, having it harder to spot is no fun.

We shall see. Today the prototype may get it's head lopped off if I have time before work. :D