(it's a pretty big pic if you click on it - sorry about that!)
It’s pretty rare that I get this inspired up front about a sculpture.. so WOOT!
I kid you not – EIGHT hours and NO measuring. I’m not bragging about that tho -> in the long term I’ll be cursing a LOT about that actually. Even now the shoulder is a nightmare which is why I dragged it over to photoshop… but as I was looking through those arab photos and kept digging up more and more websites, this POSE just BEGGED me to come out. In fact I couldn’t find one particular photo that had this particular pose specifically (some headshots were similar). Sooooo I sat down and drew it up – then went off to the resin directory to see if any arab had been sculpted in this pose (you sometimes want to do something that turns out it’s already been done). I really do not *think* it’s been done before now.. gawd I hope not! Anyhow, sooooo I drew it over and over from a few angles and even though I had long full days and a holiday party this weekend.. LOOK what I cranked out! Eeee!!!
Here is a photo that shows just how "raw" he really is though. Oh well of course he's going to be a stallion yanno! ;) He's soooo fiesty! It's apoxie sculpt and wire.. solid too but those thin thin legs support themselves. The beauty of apoxie sculpt! :D Actually, ok, it's the wire gauge too -> it stood well just on wire alone but it looked a tad more uhmmmm... spider like? lol!
Actually, I’d really appreciate hearing from anyone if there is something like this out there and I’m kidding myself that it’s all that inspired. No, seriously. It happens sometimes when you just grab the tools and go! You feel all excited and creative and then later on go “phhhhhtbbbb” (deflated) when you realize it’s been done. So please do let me know guys if I’ve gone terribly astray.
Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy the burst of creativity! Classic scale (loosely anyhow). What fun!
More links I’d like to save and thus will share here too :)
http://images.google.com/images?ndsp=18&um=1&hl=en&q=gigi+grasso&start=72&sa=N many of the above came from this search for Gigi whose name I learned of and half remembered from years back when I designed another Arabian photographer’s website. The search lead to this page; http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.arabianessence.com/uploads/caleidoscope/Gallery/Thumb/24_r1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.arabianessence.com/caleidoscope_elenco2.asp%3Fmp%3Dm8%26cat%3D8&usg=__tvWk_0aqIJhxAYwR9w40ZX8RVRI=&h=117&w=150&sz=6&hl=en&start=79&um=1&tbnid=K6i1lRSC2CxTkM:&tbnh=75&tbnw=96&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgigi%2Bgrasso%26start%3D72%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN for those who want infinite eye candy to enjoy! :)