Monday, April 23, 2012

Treasure hunt questions & answers up + thoughts & rambles..

Aside from releasing a new resin this weekend I also held a treasure hunt for my yahoogroup members! For ease of posterity I'm posting a link here to the rules & answers.

Congrats to the winner!! (1st place is getting a Little Man Mango resin!). The 2nd & 3rd place winners got medallions & discounts. The remaining 4 (there were 7 winners) got discount %s too.  Congrats to all really!  I can be so ambiguous I'm THRILLED people figured it out at all! :D

Happiest of all to me was that people figured it out a bit faster than the one over Thanksgiving weekend. That one took the first winner around 45minutes & the subsequent winners almost an hour. My goal was to have people really not wasting more than 15min searching around & the 1st place winner too around 10minutes & the remaining answers came in under half an hour so woot! I'm getting the hang of it I hope too!

I'm thinking Thanksgiving weekend is a good time again perhaps. We'll see. Now that we live away from where we grew up holiday weekends don't involve driving for hours around to see my family & his. Back in CT I also had my own boarding barn or a horse job where the work doesn't take holidays either. So holiday weekends were insanely busy typically. However... even if mine have really lightened up, other folks haven't I know SO.. we'll see.

Still.. I do kinda dig the idea of rewarding people who do NOT do the Black Friday madness. Haha!

Truly though input is always welcome, on the questions/instructions.. what have you. I use the yahoogroup for announcing the contest because I can't use the email sub service for contests like this (they really didn't want me to even try - in talking to tech support when I signed up for it). I'm on the fence about going with a forum for announcing/holding it. The problem there too, not everyone is registered as a user. So for now, yahoogroups seems to be the best bet for me. Other ideas welcome though! :) Email me at;, I'm all ears! :D

Meanwhile, here are the results;
Here are the rules/questions;

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