Friday, October 10, 2008

Both Contest Blogs up now and... (grr!)

I don't even want to repeat my "grrr" again. It's on the 2nd contest blog and I'll move it to the bottom as "notes" or something. I dunno. lol!

ANYhow, just sharing the contests 1st and foremost before I hit the sack. Very productive day even tho I worked more at the farm than usual. In the hour I was home I got all sorts of biz AND found some seriously helpful information on a Subaru forum. I really can't recommend any of these newer AWD cars with the various "brain" sensors and modules that normal mechanics and even some dealerships can't figure out. hrmph! My father has an 80's Subaru that wouldn't die. It rotted and still drove fine. Phtttt to these newfangled things.


Contest #1 for artists!!!
Morgen's "People's Choice Finished Resins"

Contest #2 for everyone!!!
Morgen's "People's Choice Creative Resin Scenes" !!! (that's where I rant b/c I need to pretty it up to make it clearer what it is.. but instead was sidetracked by automotive mumbo jumbo!)

Well 'artists' and 'everyone' who owns one of my sculptures so that's not that many in the grand scheme but plenty for me to process!!!! ;)

Also, lol! Diana wrote to tell me where Hazel spent last weekend (the HUSSY! <-"Hazel".. NOT Diana! omg I just had to throw tha t in!) (8-0
"Arkansas, Mid-Ark Model Horse Expo ....
Hazel's next show is Mid Kansas Live in Andover, KS on 11/1/08. "

Tx Diana! Since I know you read here now I'll take a risk and wait until later this weekend to write you back since Fri - Mon are sunup to sundown ++ days for me anyhow.


& Now on a more serious note, I hope everyone is holding up ok-ish. Gas is going down I see. (phew!) The news (I have no choice but to watch the varied weather reports that sometimes all fail) is really alarming these days. Moreso is hearing from more than one former colleague I know who's lost a job of late . I am sincerely thinking of you and your families!! :( Hugs all around.

Ok, well I'd better get myself to sleep somehow (pizza invigorates me I guess?)... my 7:30 am Sat wake up won't happen & I'll be in trouble.. (I'm not a morning person as EVERYONE knows.) Thinking positive thoughts that things will turn around soon (prays and crosses fingers/toes and hopes).

Babble on me. G'nite!

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